Senior Democratic Figure
Criticizes Bill Richardson
from Press Reports
Former Democratic Party Chairman for Rio Arriba County Emilio Naranjo criticized Governor Bill Richardson's appointment of Thomas Rodella as County Magistrate.
Rodella has been under suspicion for election related complaints since his wife, State Representative Debbie Rodella's, 1992 bid for office, and other charges.
Naranjo says Richardson was "wrong as hell" in appointing him to the job. "This was a terrible appointment that Richardson made, and it's going to cost him thousands of votes", said Naranjo. "He gave a slap in the face to the citizens of Rio Aribba."
Naranjo's said Richardson, who has onlyu lived here a few years of his adult life, understands New Mexico politics very well, and is responsible for John Kerry's failure to carry the state in 2004.
Naranjo also criticied Richardson;s leadership saying he promotes himself too much and acts like a dictator.
Richardson denied knowing about the reports when he appointed Rodella to the vacant judgeship on March 31st.
Naranjo is a four decade fixture in New Mexico state politics, serving as Rio Aribba County Sheriff, County Manager and a State Senator for 19 years.
Richardson has said he stands by the decision and that Rodella is a man of character and substance.
Former Democratic Party Chairman for Rio Arriba County Emilio Naranjo criticized Governor Bill Richardson's appointment of Thomas Rodella as County Magistrate.
Rodella has been under suspicion for election related complaints since his wife, State Representative Debbie Rodella's, 1992 bid for office, and other charges.
Naranjo says Richardson was "wrong as hell" in appointing him to the job. "This was a terrible appointment that Richardson made, and it's going to cost him thousands of votes", said Naranjo. "He gave a slap in the face to the citizens of Rio Aribba."
Naranjo's said Richardson, who has onlyu lived here a few years of his adult life, understands New Mexico politics very well, and is responsible for John Kerry's failure to carry the state in 2004.
Naranjo also criticied Richardson;s leadership saying he promotes himself too much and acts like a dictator.
Richardson denied knowing about the reports when he appointed Rodella to the vacant judgeship on March 31st.
Naranjo is a four decade fixture in New Mexico state politics, serving as Rio Aribba County Sheriff, County Manager and a State Senator for 19 years.
Richardson has said he stands by the decision and that Rodella is a man of character and substance.
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